You must use a VISA or MASTER Card to buy from this site. Follow the buying steps to choose from the methods of product delivery.
Step 1:
Choose desired products and their number on the main page or in a "wine shop." Push "add to basket."
Step 2:
While in the "basket", you can correct the products you selected. You can add or delete the products, and change their numbers. Total prices will be adjusted automatically.
Step 3:
When you finally settle for a purchase, please accurately fill in the blanks of the delivery service.
If you are already registered on our website then simply enter your e-mail and the password in a "CABINET"
Any VISA & MASTER CARD can pay on this site. Other cards are not allowed. Security of CREDIT CARD transactions is provided by TBC BANK Universal Multibank System.
Adhere to the Rules and push "Order".
Step 4:
You are welcome on the secure page of TBC Bank where you need to fill four blank areas. Please enter your card information and push on a pay button.
Step 5:
Your order will be successfully placed provided that there are enough funds on your card account. You may track your purchase info in your CABINET. Check your mailbox after the registration, for the CABINET instructions.
Conditions for Fulfilling the Purchase Orders
1. With given conditions, orders are delivered only in Tbilisi and surrounding. For other locations, please contact us directly. მოცემული პირობებით
2. Please state accurately your data (name and surname, mobile number, address and detailed address) in a "delivery" blank sheet. Our manager will get in touch with you in order to consult about delivery details.
3. In rare occasions, it is possible that you select an item which is not available at the moment. In this case, we will replace the product with your consent, or will return your money during maximum 3 working days.
4. On-site purchases will be delivered the same day, or the next day as the latest. You cannot cancel an on-site purchase.
5. Telephone orders will be handled by our managers. They will contact you in person, to agree the delivery details.
6. It is not possible to cancel the on-site orders.
7. We guarantee the confidentiality of all the information transferred to us for processing your orders.
Money and Product Return Policy
1. We will take back sold products and refund your money with the following conditions:
a. Costs of delivery service are not refundable
b. You may choose to not pay for the product at the moment of delivery, in case of cash payments. In this case you pay only for the delivery.
c. You may return an on-site purchase by at least next day after the purchase, provided that the product is not open or damaged. It is your responsibility to return the product to our warehouse.
d. Alternatively, you may call our courier to return the product. In this case, you will need to repeatedly pay for the delivery.
e. We make refunds maximum on the third working day.
f. Please call +995 599 981805 to return the purchased product